Friday, May 1, 2009


A friend asked me "should a woman take a loan for her husband if he really needed it?"

What do you think?


  1. No, unless he's going to repay it.

  2. only if he really needs (mo wants) it ;Pp

  3. well she should know the reason - ya3ny lo ygooleha "mi7taj baizat oo bas" then i would say no

    also what is the reason that he is not taking the loan in his own name?? lo he reached his limit ya3ny ya yigdar anywyas

    BTW i missed u - didnt know u were back.

  4. depends on how much and for what :)

  5. a tricky one.. depends on their situation..

  6. Well, the woman will know the purpose of the loan as its for her hubby. I dnt think there's anything wrong in taking a loan for him as long as both are in good terms.

  7. depends on two things

    Why he needs her to take the loan? his salary is not enough for ex? already past the agreeable limit of the loan?

    and why is the loan needed? Buy a car that is unneeded? pay some urgent dept? travel? for ilness treatment? to try his luck at the stock market?

    and how much is the loan? 2000 kd? 20000 KD?

    how is he repaying her? Each month he gives her the money for the installemnt? or tell her when his parents die and he gets an inheritance he will repay her...

    and the most importnat thing

    how is he as a man?

    is he responsible? he means it? he is 100% guranteed and would do the same to her in a hearbeat or would he set off to thailand with the money?

    I say since she asked u, she is hesitant. If she is hesitant, i say she doesnt do it becasue it means she has some doubts.

    I know a girl whose husband made her take a loan out of her salary so he can buy a house for them. In the house document he stated that the house is for him and his wife... not her clear name, no, whomever is his wife... y3ni 3adi if he divorces her he chucks her out and gets another wife who will get the house she paid for... ish7aga 3ad?

  8. i agree with dandoon, if he's really in need and i know why he needs it.

  9. mu 7ag ay shaii.. loans ehnii 9ayra 3la ay oo kel shaii.. al loan ma takhtha elaa 3lshan mashro3 or to invest the money somewhere oo enta tadrii shnu al return emsawii derasa ya3nii mu bs 3al hawaa aw al loan yekon as a last resort oo u really really NEED the money 4 something!!

    discuss it with ur wife, why u need the money.. if she agrees oo cthee.. then plan a way for returning it! oo b3diin take it.

  10. only for buying a house.

  11. I wouldn't. I'd give him all I have, but I wouldn't go for a loan.

  12. Well I am not the person to judge, but I think they are a family and she must know how will it go.

  13. mm, no!


  14. For those who asked, the loan is 80,000 and he was going to pay back. It's interesting to see how your opinions vary.

  15. humm If i've this 80.000 and I really trust him and sure that he won't deceive me I might take this step and help him , but Its hard to make a decision right now. Maybe if I'm gonna face the sitation in future I could manage :)

  16. I'd say NO. Unless his life depends on it.

  17. depends..
    does he need t to buy a car?
    or does he need it to keep him out of jail

